
Children’s Worst Threat Should Be Boredom  USA Today

Obituaries Teach Life’s Lessons  Boston Herald

At Ed Schools, a Low Degree of Difficulty  Boston Herald

A Public Service Investment  Times-Union


Short Stories

The Fix  Fauxmoir

Civil Affairs  Glimmer Train

The Less True Sport  Guernica

Incoming and Outgoing  Green Hills Literary Lantern



Why Kids Should Read Obituaries  CommonWealth Beacon

Home Free  Human Restoration Project

My Humbling – and Motivating – Teacher Test Experience  Flypaper

How to Challenge Voracious Young Readers  Flypaper

Some Material May Not Be Suitable for Children  Glimmer Train

The 40-Year-Old Paperboy  Transitioning to the Common Core

Why Do Fellows Stick Around? An Inquiry into the Retention of New York City Teaching Fellows  National Center for Alternative Certification

Newjack: Teaching in a Failing Middle School  Harvard Educational Review